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Our middle and high school program is focused to enable students to experience Jesus’ love, to know who He is and what it means to live for Him.  Through weekly corporate worship and learning, retreats and conferences, and opportunities to put their faith to work through mission trips, students are equipped to become mature followers of Jesus.

Middle School | Sundays, 6:00-7:30pm

High School | Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm


Weekly Programs

Weekly Programs

Students in grades 6th thru 12th grade are welcome to join either Middle or High School AlieNation for an evening of worship, games and small groups.


Middle School:

Students in grades 6-8 meet regularly on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30pm.


High School:

Students in grades 9-12 meet regularly on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm.


DEEP Bible Study:

Our weekly Middle School Bible study meets before AlieNation from 5-5:50pm most Sunday evenings from October 15 through March 16.  Pizza is served during each session!


Click HERE for our calendar of events from January through March 2025.

Retreats and Conferences

Retreats & Conferences

Retreats are a key way to get connected with the Damascus Road youth group and other teens, with each event offering its own special appeal. Throughout the year there is something for everyone.


Annual Retreats:

High School Prayer & Paintball Retreat

(October 2025)


Middle School OC Thrive Retreat

(November 2025)


High School OC Breakaway Retreat

(February 28-March 2, 2025)

Register HERE


Middle School Prayer Retreat

(April 4-6, 2025)

Register HERE


High School Beach Camp

(June 15-20, 2025)

Register HERE


Serving Opportunities

Mission Trips/Serving

Mission trips are the Super Bowl of our Youth Ministry! In answer to the call of Matthew 25 we go out to seek, serve and save the lost both globally and locally each summer.  View our Youth Events where upcoming mission trips will be posted.

Register to join a serving team that meets the needs of our local communities throughout the year.


Johnstown, PA Mission Trip

July 25-30, 2025

Johnstown is a Middle School mission that serves by doing yard work for shut-ins, providing Vacation Bible School for children, and doing projects like painting, farm work and construction for the local community. We support local churches with the goal to amplify the impact of their current ministries. Click HERE for more information and to register.

For Parents & Contact Info

Our Youth Ministry is bursting with students from all over our region. And we believe in keeping parents in the picture!



Our serving teams are made up of young adults, empty-nesters and parents, all of whom are committed to supporting the age-group most heavily targeted by the culture. Volunteer positions range from Small Group leader and retreat chaperone to tech and video support. LEARN MORE & SIGN UP TO SERVE.

Parent Resources

We know that there's a lot of noise out there when it comes to raising your children. We've compiled a recommended resource list for parents with links to websites, articles, podcasts, and more to help equip you.


Stay in Touch

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.


Sign up to receive text updates from us by texting 'updates' to (301) 679-7190.


Questions? Contact a team member; we'd love to connect with you. Or EMAIL THE YOUTH MINISTRY.

Welcome to the family!

We're celebrating the latest baptisms.  If you think that baptism is your next right step, consider taking an informational class. Email us for details.

Ocean City Baptisms

Ocean City Baptisms


Meet the Team

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Roger Record

        Youth Pastor

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Bryan Gerner

Assistant Director

Youth Ministry


Jan Ingram

Admin Assistant

Youth Ministry

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Michele Rennolds

Admin Assistant

Youth Ministry


Bryce Greene

Youth Ministry Coordinator

Youth Events

Upcoming Events, Retreats, Serving Opportunities

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